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October is International ADK Month

Pictured from left: ADK member Holly Woods, MCS Assistant Superintendent Karen Klamut and ADK member Jeannie Blake.
Pictured from left: ADK member Holly Woods, MCS Assistant Superintendent Karen Klamut and ADK member Jeannie Blake.

Marshall County Schools Assistant Superintendent Karen Klamut has signed a proclamation declaring October as International Alpha Delta Kappa (ADK) Month in Marshall County.

ADK is an international honorary organization, founded in 1947, of women educators dedicated to educational excellence, altruism and world understanding. The organization has more than 1,100 chapters in every state, nationally, and around the world.

The text of the ADK Month Proclamation signed by Klamut follows:

Whereas: Women in education constitute a great portion of the nation’s working force, and are constantly striving to serve their communities and nation in educational, cultural, and charitable programs leading to harmony, happiness, and peace among all people and Whereas: major goals of Alpha Delta Kappa International Honorary Organization for Women Educators are: *to give recognition to outstanding educators *to build a fraternal fellowship among educators adding to their effectiveness in promoting excellence in education *to establish high standards of education *to promote educational and charitable projects and activities enriching the lives of individuals everywhere and assisting these individuals into happy, constructive and fulfilling lives.