Annual Retirement Guide - TSA Consulting Group, Inc. provides optional 403(B) retirement plans. For a list of authorized investment providers, visit their website HERE. To view a copy of the Annual Retirement Benefits Guide, click HERE. For a copy of the Meaningful Notice, click HERE.
Benefit Estimate Form - Any employee considering retirement MUST complete and mail this form to the WV Consolidated Public Retirement Board. THIS FORM DOES NOT OBLIGATE YOU. However, before the board will send you their required retirement paperwork, this process must be completed. It is not a quick process and may take months so send the form as soon as possible. Click HERE for the form.
Dental - Click HERE for the Delta Dental claim form.
Employee Assistance Program - Washington EAP Services Assistance provides individual and group counseling, consultation, education, and other services such as supervisor trainings, employee awareness, stress management, and workplace substance abuse, employee engagement, workplace ethics, coping with change, and others. Employees can login HERE.
Flexible Health Spending Account - This plan may reduce your taxes and increase your spendable income. Representatives will be in schools starting March 29th. Sign up for your enrollment appointment and learn more about available benefits at Enrollment Site ( Existing members can login to their accounts HERE.
PEIA OPEN ENROLLMENT - PEIA open enrollment is April 2 - May 15, 2024. Use the website located HERE to login and make any changes, review options, etc. If you have any questions, call 304-843-4400 x341 and talk with Beth Phillips.
Vision - Click HERE for your vision benefit summary. Click HERE for GVS member access to their website. Click HERE for the Out of Network Vision Services Claim Form. Note: Only family members under age 18 will show on the website due to HIPAA.
WV PEIA - Visit the site and click on "Manage My Benefits" to login and make yearly changes as needed. You will need to create an online account before using the site to view or change your information.
WV PEIA Change In Status Form - Click HERE for the form you have to submit to payroll whenever you have a status change event in your life (marriage, divorce, birth of a child, starting/ending a job, etc.). If you have a change in status, please call Beth Phillips at the county office at 304-843-4400, ext. 341, to let her know.